Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Stanley Kowalski in A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams Es

Stanley Kowalski in "A Streetcar Named Desire" by Tennessee Williams In the play, A Streetcar Named Desire, author Tennessee Williams does a wonderful job developing the character of Stanley Kowalski. To me, his character seemed most like that of a true person. On the other hand, Stella, Stanley's wife, is mainly displayed as being the loving type, and because that is basically the only character trait she displays, it is difficult to really understand her as a person. The character of Stanley Kowalski is developed much like a real person, having numerous personality traits. One characteristic of Stanley is his rudeness and cruelty towards Blanche, Stella's sister. It is very apparent that Stanley does not care for Blanche. Scene eight mentions Blanche's birthday party, and surprisingly, she receives a gift from Stanley. This gift, however, is not one that most people would appreciate. Blanche is very surprised to get a gift from Stanley, and as she opens it she says, "Why,why-Why, it's a-" . This is the first indication that there is something the matter. Because Blanche can't finish her sentence, Stanley lets everyone know that it's a "Ticket! Back to Laurel! On the Greyhound! Tuesday!" . Blanche obviously couldn't finish her sentence because she was insulted that her birthday present implied that she was not welcome by Stanley. Even Stella knew how rude and cruel Stanley had acted towards Blanche. Stella lets Stanley know, "You needn't have been so cruel..." . In scene ten, Stanley says to Blanche, "Take a look at yourself in that worn-out Mardi Gras outfit, rented for fifty cents from some rag-picker! And with the crazy crown on! What queen do you think you are?". This quote shows that Blanche's p... ...takes the only remaining course to maintain his territory; by raping Blanche he establishes the physical domination he attempted, unsuccessfully, early in the play, and the psychological domination he attempted, later, by using Blanche's own guilt against her. From our first introduction to Stanley, when he tosses the bloody package to Stella, to our last, when he rips the lantern off the light just before the doctor and nurse take Blanche away, we see this man as an expression of animalistic territoriality. He uses every tactic possible to exert his power over a fragile, but threatening woman. Finally, using brute force and sexual dominance, he appears to win. In fact however, the winner is ambiguous if even in existence. A rift has developed in the only relationship that Stanley values - that between him and his wife, with no promise of a better future.

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