Saturday, November 2, 2019

Nurses say hospital dangerous, but CEO denies charge Essay

Nurses say hospital dangerous, but CEO denies charge - Essay Example This case has garnered the attention of the nurses who claim that staffing problems are suppressing the quality of care. However, the CEO insists that the Hospital has to follow this path to ensure that the increasing health needs of the community are met through proper utilization of resources (The Star, 2014). The case of Humber Hospital brings about the issue of efficiency in the health care environment. The quality and quantity of healthcare in the society is a major concern for the bodies regulating public healthcare institutions. While there is need to provide a large population with health services, it is crucial for the health service providers to ensure that quality services are rendered. The Ontario Nurses Association is one of the bodies monitoring the health concern in the society. The major focus of the regulating bodies is that the community gets the right quality and quantity of healthcare within the available social amenities. The case of Humber hospital is interesting since it raises the question of whether health service providers should pay attention to the quality or the quantity of their services (The Star, 2014). While the CEO intends to increases the hospital capacity, he risks suppressing the quality of healthcare in this hospital by employing the Registered Practica l Nurses. For instance, neglection of 48 old year old woman with schizophrenia resulted to her death, a case which can be termed as poor quality of service. The fact that there is already a case of patient negligence, it is crucial for regulating bodies to intervene. The concerned bodies should assess if Humber Hospital has the capacity to provide the right quality and quantity of medical care within the society. Numerous groups may have an interest in the case of Humble Hospital. First, the regulating bodies may have a concern with respect to the quality of healthcare in this organization. These bodies have the

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