Monday, May 18, 2020

I Am A Community Service - 1970 Words

Introduction It is often joked that beginning college is like re-entering the womb. Similar to the warm, nurturing space that was home to us for the last nine months before birth, higher education aims to prepare us for life outside, in the world. Unfortunately, college also earns this association due to what some, perhaps unfairly, dub its â€Å"coddling nature,† and the tendency of students to use their schools as a place to hide from the harsher realities of the adult world. The uncomfortable truth appears to be that these detractors are right. For many students attending classes and work, it is far too easy to lose oneself in one, the other or both. The rare free time that’s left over? A temptation to spend it on oneself usually wins out. As a consequence, students lose much of the insight they might gain from spending more time interacting directly with the society in which they live. They lose touch. I firmly feel performing community service enables one to remain grounded in purpose and place in one’s world, while working toward one’s professional degree. This essay, an extended look at the nature and benefits of service to one’s community, will tackle its subject in four parts: the definition of community service (what is it, really?), the motivation and goals behind community service (why do it?), questions of area and location (how and where can I do it?), and, finally, the impact of community service (how does it change things?). Part I: The definition of communityShow MoreRelatedI Am Devoted Community Service1554 Words   |  7 PagesI am devoted to community service. As a student, my immediate community is my school. I ran for election to the Old Rochester Regional Junior High School Student Council a mere six weeks after I moved to this town, where I knew not one person, so that I could get to know people and learn about the issues students at my new schools faced. 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