Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Pursuit Of Happiness in A Raisin in the Sun Essay

Throughout Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun, we see the positive and negative effects of chasing the American Dream. Hansberry expresses her different views on the American Dream through the characters and she portrays the daily struggles of a 1950 black family throughout A Raisin in the Sun. In this play, she is able to effectively show the big impact that even small decisions can make on a family. Hansberry shows the many different attachments that come with the fulfillment of this American Dream. Throughout A Raisin in the Sun, each family member has their own pursuit of happiness, which is accompanied by their American Dream. In the play, Mama has her own American Dream that she chases after, which heavily†¦show more content†¦Mama says this after Beneatha tells Mama that there is nothing left in her brother, Walter to love. Mama’s dream of a better quality of life is deferred because she has carry the responsibility of tending to a family with so much indifference and of holding together the few pieces of her family left together. Mama attempts to reference back to Big Walter in certain situations to use him as an example to show her family the true meanings of sacrifice and unification within a family. The Raisin in the Sun refers back to Big Walter and how he labored so hard for his family all the time. He put his dreams aside, which ended up drying up like â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun† (M’baye 171). Mama says, â€Å"Yes, [he was] a fine man- just couldn’t never catch up with his dreams that’s all† (Hansberry 30). Mama refers back to Big Walter as an example for her family to see because Big Walter worked his but off for the important things in life like family. He had dreams like everybody does, but he did not ever get so caught up that he lost track of his priorities. He labored day and night for his family to have everything they needed. That is the example Mama tries to use to talk to her children about family. Big Walter did whatever he had to do to supply for his family whether that meant working a few extra hours or even a few extra days. Every once and a while he may have worked an extra job just to provide theShow MoreRelatedA Raisin In The Sun Literary Analysis1023 Words   |  5 Pageswill gain happiness. There are some things in life that get in the way of our dreams and goals. In the Declaration of Independence, It states that we have the right to pursue happiness. For example having everybody in the world be equal, and not be shamed upon or looked at differently due to the color of their skin. The poem  ¨The Negro Mother, ¨ the play A Raisin in the Sun, and the article Innocence Is Irrelevant, all show how our society and they way people can get in the way of our happiness. 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