Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Overview of Normocytic Anemia - 1084 Words

Normocytic This is the term that describes a red blood cell that is of normal size. They usually also have hemoglobin content ( Normochromic anemia, Also known as normocytic anemia. This is the most frequent type of anemia most often happening to males over 85 years old. It is a common problem that occurs to men and women over 85 years old. Symptoms include and are caused by: a reduced production of normal-sized red blood cells even though presence of hemoglobin in the red blood cells is within the standard range; an increased production of HbS as is seen in sickle cell diseases; greater destruction and loss of red blood cells; an increase in plasma volume that is not compensated by anything else; a B2 (riboflavin) deficiency; and a B6 (pyridoxine) deficiency. (Brill Baumgardner 2000). Marked leukocytosis A significant increase in the white blood cell count (the leukocyte count) that is above the normal range in the blood. Inflammatory, it is often the result of infections and therefore exists in certain parasitic infections. It can also occur after strenuous exercise, and following convulsions such as epilepsy, emotional stress, pregnancy and labor, anesthesia, and epinephrine administration. Leukocytosis falls into five categories: 1.Neutrophilia (the most common form; in which neutrophils are elevated) 2.Lymphocytosis (which lymphocyte count is elevated) 3.Monocytosis (leukocytosis in which monocyte count

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